Truth in the stars

As we grow closer to the return of the King, the heavens will (and do) declare His glory.

Is there something we can do to 
educate believers and pre-believers 
about the story in the stars?  

You shall know the Truth.

Truth in the Stars

The enemy stole the story in the stars by introducing astrology and horoscopes.  

This current form of divination comes from 2300 year old data that does not take into account the procession of the equinox.  As a result, people are prophesying lies over themselves.   

It's time to reclaim the Truth in the Stars.

The Truth shall set you free.

Truth in the Stars

The Truth is...

Stars tell the story of the scriptures!
Moreover, the star names in different languages have the same meaning regardless of the culture.  This indicates that stars were known before the fall of the Tower of Babel when different languages dispersed across the world.  
The Truth is Written in the Stars!

The Heavens declare the glory of God.

Truth in the Stars

On October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024
Texas is presented with a rare opportunity. 

Star-gazers from around the world will flock to locations across America where the eclipse is visible.  Unlike anywhere else in the world, the Texas Hill Country will be in the path of both eclipses, just six months apart. 

The firmament shows His handiwork.

Truth in the Stars

Imagine the Impact...

What would happen at stargazing events 
if there were a geodesic dome on site 
that told the truth about the stars?  

Can a Portable Planetarium 
Help Dispel Lies and Share 
The Truth in the Stars?

He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name.

Truth in the Stars

Portable Planetarium: Rigid aluminum frame takes 2 people about 3 hours to assemble

6 meter diameter (almost 20 feet) 
3.5 meters tall (almost 12 feet)

24 people sitting or 40 people standing

Then God said, Let there be lights in the firmament 
of the heavens to divide the day from the night; 
and let them be for signs and seasons, 
and for days and years."

Truth in the Stars

While the lies of astrology are 
particularly prevalent in Austin, Texas
a team of local star-gazers have been 
studying Christological Astronomy 
under Dr. Dale Sides and

We are equipped for the harvest.

JESUS will equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. 

Truth in the Stars

We need your help to bring this portable planetarium to fruition.  We're in communication with multiple planetarium manufacturers and have identified a cost effective solution that can be delivered in time for the first eclipse. 

We need to raise $30K to $40K,
depending on the projection method.

Truth in the Stars

Either projection system meets the 
requirements and will provide a 
spectacular visual experience.  

The Spherical Mirror Projection System
is more portable with less moving parts. 

The Multichannel Projection System 
provides a crisper image for hi-res video. 

Truth in the Stars

A six-meter, negative pressure dome 
planetarium could easily cost 
more than $200K.  

...but God!   

If you would like an inside scoop 
about our dome and this 
incredible opportunity, 
contact Stephen at 

Truth in the Stars
Truth in the stars

As we grow closer to the return of the King, the heavens will (and do) declare His glory.

Is there something we can
to educate believers
and pre-believers about
the story in the stars? 

You shall know
the Truth.

Truth in the Stars

The enemy stole the story in the stars by introducing astrology and horoscopes.  

This current form of divination comes from 2300 year old data that does not take into account the procession of the equinox.  As a result, people are prophesying lies over themselves.   

It's time to reclaim the
Truth in the Stars.

The Truth shall
set you free.

Truth in the Stars

The Truth is...

Stars tell the story
of the scriptures!

Moreover, the star names in different languages have the same meaning regardless of the culture.  This indicates that stars were known before the fall of the Tower of Babel when different languages dispersed across the world.  

The Truth is Written in the Stars!

The Heavens declare
the glory of God.

Truth in the Stars

On October 14, 2023 and
April 8, 2024, Texas is presented with a rare opportunity.  

Star-gazers from around the world will flock to locations across America where the eclipse is visible.  Unlike anywhere else in the world, the Texas Hill Country will be in the path of both eclipses, just six months apart. 

The firmament shows
His handiwork.

Truth in the Stars

Imagine the Impact...

What would happen at stargazing events if there was a geodesic dome on site that told the truth about the stars? 

Can a Portable Planetarium 
Help Dispel Lies and Share 
The Truth in the Stars?

He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name.

Truth in the Stars

Portable Planetarium: 
Rigid aluminum frame takes 2 people about 3 hours to assemble

6 meter diameter (almost 20 feet) 
3.5 meters tall (almost 12 feet)

24 people sitting  
40 people standing

Then God said, 
"Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years."

Truth in the Stars

While the lies of astrology are 
particularly prevalent in Austin, Texas, a team of local star-gazers have been studying Christological Astronomy under Dr. Dale Sides and 

We are equipped for the harvest.

JESUS will equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. 

Truth in the Stars

We need your help to bring this portable planetarium to fruition.  We're in communication with multiple planetarium manufacturers and have identified a cost effective solution that can be delivered in time for the first eclipse. 

We need to raise $20K to $30K,
depending on the projection method.

Truth in the Stars

Either projection system meets the 
requirements and will provide a 
spectacular visual experience.  

The Spherical Mirror Projection System is more portable with less moving parts. 

The Multichannel Projection System provides a crisper image for hi-res video. 

Truth in the Stars

A six-meter, negative pressure dome planetarium could easily cost more than $200K.

...but God!   

If you would like an 
inside scoop about 
our dome and this incredible opportunity, 
contact Stephen at 

Truth in the Stars

Thank you for joining us
as we share the
Truth in the Stars!

Let's work together to create
Austin's First Planetarium!


Other Ways to Give:


Make checks payable to
inHimwe Trust

7301 RR 620 N, STE 155-253
Austin, TX [78726]

Donate directly to
Luke 4:18 Ministries
and ask to designate
funds for this project.


All Gifts are Tax Deductible!

Thank you for joining us as we 
share The Truth in the Stars!  
Let's work together to create
Austin's First Planetarium!


Other Ways to Give:


Make checks payable to inHimwe Trust
7301 RR 620 N, STE 155-253
Austin, TX [78726]


Donate directly to
Luke 4:18 Ministries
and ask to designate 
funds for this project!

All Gifts are Tax Deductible!

Truth in the Stars

The portable planetarium has implications 
far beyond two celestial events.  

We envision the planetarium in constant usage, gracing events in the Austin area ranging from music festivals to coffee shops to classrooms.
Austin does not have a Christ-centered planetarium teaching our children about the 
Truth in the Stars.  You can help change that!

  • inHimwe Trust is a private ministry established to praise and honor יהוה the One True and Living God.
  • ​​​All assets of inHimwe Trust belong to יהוה the Creator; therefore, we agree and comply with Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17 and Luke 20:25.
  • ​​​All donations given to inHimwe Trust are tax deductible, as we legally operate with a TIN that meets all IRS requirements of a tax exempt 508(c)1a organization. 
  • ​​inHimwe Trust is NOT now and never will be a 501(c)3 organization; inHimwe Trust is lawfully established under יהוה in the private as an Ekklesia, reserving all rights and authority given by Yeshua in Matthew 16:18.   
  • ​​Nothing on this site should ever be misconstrued as a solicitation for charitable funds.  Rather, by sharing visions given to us by יהוה , we are creating opportunities for Bible-believing Christians to sow into Biblical blessings from cheerful giving as described in the Word of God (Malachi 3:10, Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
  • ​​inHimwe Trust's Terms and Conditions may change at anytime without any notice, however, all Terms and Conditions described in the Word of God are unchangeable, infallible in their original language and written on the heart's of those that love יהוה and are called according to His purpose. 
inHimwe Trust
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Truth in the Stars

The portable planetarium 
has implications far beyond 
two celestial events.  

We envision the planetarium in constant usage, gracing events in the Austin area ranging from music festivals to coffee shops to classrooms.

Austin does not have a 
Christ-centered planetarium 
teaching our children about 
the Truth in the Stars. 

You can help change that!

  • inHimwe Trust is a private ministry established to praise and honor יהוה the One True and Living God.
  • ​​​All assets of inHimwe Trust belong to יהוה the Creator; therefore, we agree and comply with Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17 and Luke 20:25.
  • ​​​All donations given to inHimwe Trust are tax deductible, as we legally operate with a TIN that meets all IRS requirements of a tax exempt 508(c)1a organization. 
  • ​​inHimwe Trust is NOT now and never will be a 501(c)3 organization; inHimwe Trust is lawfully established under יהוה in the private as an Ekklesia, reserving all rights and authority given by Yeshua in Matthew 16:18.   
  • ​​Nothing on this site should ever be misconstrued as a solicitation for charitable funds.  Rather, by sharing visions given to us by יהוה , we are creating opportunities for Bible-believing Christians to sow into Biblical blessings from cheerful giving as described in the Word of God (Malachi 3:10, Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
  • ​​inHimwe Trust's Terms and Conditions may change at anytime without any notice, however, all Terms and Conditions described in the Word of God are unchangeable, infallible in their original language and written on the heart's of those that love יהוה and are called according to His purpose. 
inHimwe Trust
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